Spirit and Heart are calling.
Are we listening? Are we ready to change, or at least be truly willing? Are we on a path in whatever form that we truly know is wrong, dead wrong, yet we are continuing down that road, anyway? Are we ready to keep the consistency needed to work with ourselves to make a real difference in our life and those of others? Are we ready to admit that we are the cause of where, who, and what we are, instead of blaming everyone else? Are we ready to give up our darkness and shadow? Are we ready to talk through our secrets and our shadows with those in Light and allow the window curtains and shades to open to allow Light in?
Do we see that the shadow is the rock that is tethering the balloon or kite from soaring higher? Are we going to remain pompous and arrogant with ourselves and others, thinking we are soaring vertically to reach the sky but instead we have only moved laterally and have still not even taken off from the ground, merely talking the talk but not walking the walk? Is our selfishness, self-centeredness, inconsideration, dishonesty and fear still holding us down and not allowing us to embrace more Light and love into our lives? Do we still have the personality that we are willing to "trade" our own mother in or our beloved partner or others for the sake of saving ourselves and for the illusion of what we think will make us happy, for the sake of Self-gratification, and for number one? Are we willing to put the person and persons we love first ahead of our own selfishness and self-absorption which will prove that we have made real breakthrough or at least we are on the road to breakthrough?
Are we the type of person that tells others what they want to hear (not realizing they can see right through us anyway) in order to get what we want, rather than place ourselves in their shoes to see what they have felt about us and our effect on them and what they went through for our sake? In other words, are we coming forward to help others heal, based on our effect on them or we just coming to them for our own needs and not putting the needs of others before our own?
Does everything have to crash around us, does everything have to burn up and burn out, does our health need to collapse, do the people we thought were supposedly "friends" around us need to abandon and betray us, do we have to come to a complete standstill because there is no way to escape before we reach for something higher and greater? Does it take going that low before we honor those around us who have been trying to help us all along?
Do we think we have eternity plus one extra day, thinking that the people around us who truly supported us are always going to be there, that we can do anything and everything we want; and yet, they still will be there for us, despite all that has happened and not happened?
In other words, are we reaching for Light or thinking about reaching only because things that we thought would work in the shadows for us, merely turn out to be illusion, as if we are doing Light a favor by gracing Light with our presence and attention through our ego? Is our ego that large? And so, the Light and the Heart are our "second or third choice"? The Light is "the runner-up" so to speak, not really our first and foremost priority? That the heart---(ie love) is secondary--something that we pick only when our desires in the Dark are ultimately not fulfilled or were never going to be in the first place?
Or are we reaching for Light, love and new beginnings for the sake of the beauty of Love and Light itself?
What is our attitude and what are we REALLY about?
These are the questions that only we can answer and what we can explore and express to another when we do open up. This is what is at stake our choice to embrace Light and love and new path for the sake of the beauty of that path and for the sake of Love itself, rather than merely because nothing else in the shadows worked.
This is what the heart and what Spirit watches. This is why deities are always seen with a thousand heads and eyes, a thousand arms and so on. It is because Spirit is all-pervasive. It knows exactly what we are doing and thinking every second. There is not a moment in time when it does not.
There is constant watching of our motives, behaviors, emotions, feelings, thoughts and so on. There is no judgment, but there is watching and taking notes in the ethers. And, in this world there is karma to face. Even though there is no judgment, there is karma that we have to face sooner or later.
It does not matter if we think, "we got away with it"--It does not matter how sneaky we behave and what actions we perform. It does not matter what we think people know and do not know about us and what we think we can hide under our masks and facades.
Spirit knows. And, deep down we know. Even if we escape from the physical man-made courts, there is a Divine Court that we can never escape from. There is the Divine justice that will always catch up with us in this lifetime, or after we leave this world. No one can escape this. No one.
And, we cannot escape from our own conscience.
Are we willing to really realize that we have done nothing to "save" ourselves, that we cannot take the credit for it----only Grace has allowed us to even survive this long on this planet, in whatever we are doing?
Divine Light and love are always present and are always there. We need Light and Love; it needs nothing from us ---because it is Self-born, fully contained, ever contented, ever-new bliss, fully conscious. We need Light before anything else.
So Light, Spirit, and the Heart are calling, but are we listening and taking action to hear, touch, taste, smell, and feel Light?
Where do we really stand and what are we going to choose and do?
Dr. R
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