Embracing the Light is simple--holding onto the Light can be seemingly complex.
Embracing the Light means that we need a Higher Power in our lives to consciously guide us. We must humbly ask---guidance will never force its way into our lives. We must ask and be willing to listen..... In our limited ego identification we cannot go at it alone. We need the mysterious power of Grace that is deeply inherent in Nature to help us with our lives--to help us steer through the seen and unseen.
Embracing the Light means we finally wake up to realize that we want purity of heart and that we want to reflect this purity into our lives through our thoughts, words, deeds, behaviors, and actions.
Embracing the Light means we come to a place where we have had enough of darkness, indifference, lackadaisical behaviors, laziness, manipulation of others, wanting the "easy way out," and all of the other deceptive mind games that go along with living a selfish ego based life. We see how our ego has held our heart prisoner but we are willing to do something about it and not just dance around the issues.
Embracing the Light means we realize we are not perfect but we are willing. We do not slip back into old patterns because we have the firm conviction that what we have been doing in our lives is going nowhere.
Embracing the Light means we stop playing the victim role and stop making excuses that "we are weak." If we are addicted, we stop making the excuse that the "highs" are what get us through life. We are ready to really begin to feel our feelings and understand what they are all about.
Embracing the Light means we are ready to be authentic in our lives. Deep down we know who we are if we just peel off the many masks and facades that we wear. We stop pretending and start living.
Embracing the Light allows us to wake up to see that the person in our bed and many who have been in our intimate life are not for our highest good---that they drain our life force because there is no balance and shared equal love, support, nurturing, loyalty, understanding, compassion, healing, and grace.
Embracing the Light means we are ready to seek help for our depression, anxiety, eating disorders, compulsive behaviors, dishonesty, addictions, past pain and losses, and family conflict. It means that we are ready to understand why our Self-esteem is so low and injured and how this low feeling attracts the same destructive patterns into our lives over and over again. It helps us uncover and discover the root of our body-distortion image issues and how we jeopardize our health by going to extremes with our body and mind. It opens our heart to allow us to share our inner most secrets with sacred and loving people who have been in our lives (especially soul mates and others) but that we have abused and misused because deep down we had felt we were not worthy of their attention and love. Instead, we have chosen abusive characters to replay old tapes of our own childhood abuse. It means stopping the incessant need for attention, admiration and praise from others to realize and find ways to empower ourselves. It means we begin filling our own empty void with positive support through our own efforts rather than depending on others for our worth.
Embracing the Light means we will make the investment in cost, time, healing, energy, and attention---whatever it takes to get the help we need to create a better life. We value our own growth and expansion above all else and realize that such in investment is actually priceless.
Embracing the Light means to stop deliberately or unknowingly causing pain to others who care about us by our selfish and self-centered actions and choices. And if we do, be willing to admit we are wrong and make amends with them.
Embracing the Light means that we stop using the Light for dark purposes. We stop feeding off Light and love from the support and goodness of others that we had turned around to continue down dead end roads and wrong paths that help only to hurt others and ourselves. There is much negative karma that ensues when we use Light for dark reasons.
Embracing the Light means we realize we do not have "forever" to heal with others. They move on into another life and we are left out to dry with the pain and remorse of how we treated them. Compassion from them does not mean we can walk all over others and expect them to forgive us right away or at all. Our own negative and blatant actions have an indelible effect on others' hearts. There is no guarantee that those who truly supported us will be there for us after we have wreaked havoc and damage upon their hearts. Often we have to face what we have done only with our Higher Power, for such people move on to those who do show true love and support after we failed to reciprocate love, respect, support and caring.
More Later.
Dr. R
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