Walk into the Light and leave others behind if they cannot or will not walk with us. Let them walk themselves after we have held their hand over time.
Such people have many lessons that only the Divine can teach them and we have our own to learn as well. We can only take care of ourselves, ultimately after we have tried to help and serve others who willingly remain where they are. This applies to situations where there is love between people but yet for whatever reasons one person does not come forward or does not clear misunderstanding and hurt that was generated and the other person does or did want to see things blossom, heal and grow.
This does not mean such people are abandoned, judged, nor are they "shunned."--They are choosing to not be with US...... It means that they are on their own deciding what they want to do or not do and whether they choose to allow love and light into their lives. And, we have the ability to also choose to find those who want to give and take in equal exchange.
It means we release ourselves and move forward into what we need to do and we free ourselves to become more and more of who we are.
We can only hand hold for so long if we are moving at a different rate of speed or we want to broaden and expand but others are in a different space and place.
It is like a child that we hand hold and either they squat and remain fearful and stubborn and do not want to walk or they depend upon us to walk. Eventually we have to let the hand go and move forward. Either they will stay on the ground or realize that we are walking ahead and they will then decide whether to join us or not.
It does not mean that we are perfect and "holier than thou". It means that we want to embrace something higher and greater and we want to grow from the point that we are at. We have no choice but to let go of those who choose to remain behind and not walk with us....they are the only ones who can decide whether to walk, jog, sprint or run to catch up, however, if they choose.
Nothing can be forced. Everyone is making free will choices at any given moment.
When our free will matches theirs or when we find new people to match ours is when the greatest harmony ensues.
You see, relationships of any kind especially intimate partnerships are about equal exchange. Those who always take whether it is money, time, support, energy, healing, advice, shelter, sex, and so on create a vacuum and thus a lot of negative karma if they do not reciprocate or give back to the one they are taking from. Such takers only serve themselves and their own needs. They are very selfish and it stems from fear and a kind of dishonesty and inconsideration; they expect others to serve them. Even when they feel they have nothing to give or that they are wounded and unable to give, this is not so. There is always a way to express gratitude, love, and an energy exchange in relationship that shows that they care and are willing to share their life story, experience as well as their unique way of giving.
We want people to walk with us. We do not need people to walk ahead of us nor behind us in relationship.
It is not enough to thank people in our hearts and heads. When there is opportunity it is important to bring it into the physical and express it to them.
Otherwise we are like a parasite, is it not so?
That is why every tradition, culture, spiritual method or way always stresses the importance of giving back----sharing in some way that shows our appreciation and gratitude. And, one of the highest way is to make amends and clear the air to start afresh and anew if people are willing to listen and participate.
Yet if none of this happens, then we can appreciate ourselves and go on to what makes us happy, peaceful and productive. We have to develop our education, creativity and of course our finances. What they do not realize is the enormous financial toll that was taken to heal ourselves from the pain that was created and to have helped them from behind the scenes. We have to make new friends and find intimate partners who do want to be with us and are willing to care and share in a way that is equal.
The ones we leave behind have the opportunity to come forward, but they have to reach and stretch to US----we already have in a million and one ways, many times. There is a time when enough is done and said by us and it is their turn to open up express and share over many things they have repressed, suppressed, ignored, bypassed, dodged, avoided, and mishandled.
And if they do not, such people do have to walk alone and realize what they have lost, what is missing and what grand opportunity they had with friendship, support intimate connection and many other aspects they walked away from or did not follow through with. The Divine through their own conscience will show this to them and at that point their heart will feel it at the right time.
We have to keep walking into our own hearts and into Light. By doing so we attract a grander and broader picture into our lives.
We attain more serenity. And in this serenity we are in Light. Then if such people transform within themselves it is up to them to come to us. In that new time, we can decide what to do or not do.
Dr R
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