Please see part 1 ----About--- We are On Our Own When We consciously choose darkness Thanks.---
There is much negative karma that is generated when we use Pure Light for Darkened purposes. One cannot take the positive and use it for negative. If we try to we will only lose.
The Light is Divine and we are Divine. However, when we have forgotten the Light and we have chosen to stay Dark and we pull on the Light for its energy, power, inspiration, motivation and so on, it is to come back to the Light, it is to come back to a nobility and remembrance of pure love for its own sake--- not to use the power and energy of the Light to stay Dark, and use Light for our own selfish and greedy purposes.
If we do this, we are only playing with blackened or black magic. We distort the Light and its purity through our corrupted intention and will--through our darkened motives.... and it becomes soiled and sullied. It is like Sunlight that penetrates through a muddy lake is still muddy, whereas the Sunlight that is shining in a clear lake reflects only purity and beauty. So this blackened magic that we try to use to gain what we want through the Dark only boomerangs back to us as negative karma, negative retribution; this is the law of cause and effect and no one can escape. Whatever we put out there with darkened intentions is going to come back to us millions and millions of times over. And this is especially true if we are pulling on the Light and on those in Light (to give us Light) to perform negative actions, feed from the Light and seek direction from the Light, all the while desiring to stay dark.
And, we do it to ourselves; no one is doing it to us. We choose.
If we have moved into the realm of the Dark and we are still convinced that we are going to attain everything we ever wanted there, then guess again.
We never will. Ultimately, everything will explode in our face in this lifetime or another lifetime. The material gain and power will never stick. The damage we do to our system and to the hearts of the others is the greatest karma.
What did Suma Ching Hai say in her recent videos? The greatest karmas is exploitation of people for any purposes, animals, Nature/environment, and the mishandling of dangerous and addictive items.
Remember the stories I have told of Rakshasas and Asuras (demons and devils) in the Hindu literature. They also prayed to the Light for powers and for glory. Remember the Light denies no one. However, they end up in their own debris and demise because it always backfires because their motives are not pure and not for the highest good.
Remember the story of Bhasma Asura I told, a while back in my blogs? He wanted the power to harm anyone and bring anyone under his power through the power of the touch of his own hand so that he could burn anyone to ashes. He was granted this and even wanted to then touch the head of God. So God had to send the beautiful Mohini to seduce him. He was so enthalled with her and filled with lust, she asked him to take a shampoo to be clean and neat to be with her, intimately. He was so deluded he touched his own head and was burned to ashes, and hence the name "Bhasma--Asura"---The demon who was burned to ashes.
Funny thing is that under the control and sway of the Dark we are so narcisstic and self absorbed we think we have everything under control. We think, "it can't happen to me." We think everything is cool. We lamely convince ourselves that what we are doing is for our benefit and those of others and that "we had to do what we had to do." The sad fact is that it is not any of these things. No one can fool the Light; it is all-pervasive, it is all knowing. And no one can fool our own Soul, not even ourselves particularly when we are caught in the foils of our own ego.
When we truly want Light and Love for the right purposes and motives then we must ask. We must open the door of our heart and allow it for the right reasons. We must humble ourselves to admit where we have been, what we have done, and what our prior motives have been.
Light is always present. We have to remove our sunglasses, open the curtains, and allow it in. We must ask......directly and we must ask those who can help us directly with no hidden agenda or ulterior motives that we are used to in the Dark. We must ask sincerely. We must ask respectfully and with humility. We must ask with true caring. We must be sincerely kind and loving.---not by keeping our fingers crossed behind our backs crying crocodile tears and giving an unauthentic smile or other demeanors. We must ask with genuineness and realization and remorse of what we have really done in the Dark---literally attempting to utilize the energy and purity of Light for very self-serving purposes if that has been our situation.
Dr. R
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