Monday, February 28, 2011
Karmic Footprints
Karma is always there: positive and negative. We contribute to our individual destiny through our negative and positive karma through our choices. And, this in turn affects global humanity. Collectively there is global karma based on what we do and think. So every person is vital to shift the consciousness of the planet.
What are we doing? Where are we going? Are still choosing dark roads and paths? Are we finally leaving them entirely for a brighter life?
Remember, we create our own karma and then lie in the bed of our own making, both instantly and down the road. And we are reaping what we have done before in other lives.
Then why not choose Light? Choose the highest and brightest? Why go for more choices that only lead to our own selfishness and downfall and those of others?
Dr. R
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Mantra to remove Negative energy.
Here is Mirabai Devi, the extraordinary Divine Mother who is chanting the Mantra
Om Vajra Sattva Hung---the same mantra that is in the above video from humanity healing ---in the video the ascending Soul's responsibility--
See how it all comes together? :) :) :<) :) See how it is not all theory--- there are actual gifted beings putting these truths into dynamic practice for the benefit of others...
Mirabai Devi Darshan Introduction
Here is a repeat of Mirabai Devi's Darshan I put it on to review and remember her work---here
She is a remarkable Avatar doing global healing and enlightenment work---as I have put on humanity healing's videos on Avatars
She is another example. There are more as I written about:
Karunamayi Mother Ammachi, and Mother Rytasha
Illusion Removal Program Meditation
See also the three or four videos below. Let us get out of the illusion that is strangling our original Divine purpose: the experience and sharing
unconditional love through example and service.
unconditional love through example and service.
soul mantra
This video and the five or six below are extremely healing and clearing for opening consciousness and clearing away illusion.
The "Asa TO Ma" mantra, (see videos below) means just that as you can listen...."Lead us from the unreal to the real..."
Our intention and sincerity is what draws grace. Remember, we have to really WANT to be out of illusion instead of sitting in illusion and darkness.
gayatri mantra, lord's prayer, white tara mantra--are all several of many many that I have tried to capture in these blogs.
The "Asa TO Ma" mantra, (see videos below) means just that as you can listen...."Lead us from the unreal to the real..."
Our intention and sincerity is what draws grace. Remember, we have to really WANT to be out of illusion instead of sitting in illusion and darkness.
gayatri mantra, lord's prayer, white tara mantra--are all several of many many that I have tried to capture in these blogs.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
My Favorite Videos from and Other Thoughts Dr. Rama
The video series on in my opinion beautifully summarize many points on enlightenment and awakening and unfolding the heart.
All of them are excellent. Sorry if some of them seem "way out there", but if one views them over and over, the ideas will soak in and we will realize how much they represent Universal Truth and knowledge. We are in a world where everything makes us forget who we are and what reality really is. So seeing these and contemplating the words and ideas will help us remember and awaken what is known as our cellular memory.
Locked within the cells of course is our DNA and it encodes everything and creates and maintains the physical body. Most of the DNA is dormant. What is little known except in mysticism and those studying at deeper levels is that the physical DNA has a subtle, ethereal form of DNA which also can be dormant. This ethereal DNA is the invisible counterpart to the physical. Both are intertwined. The invisible ethereal DNA is connected to the life force and this life force intelligence is what guides the ethereal DNA and the physical DNA to manifest our body and all of the events that go on in our lives. Our life thus reflects the activity of the subtle DNA upon the physical and everything we experience is the net result of this constant interplay between ethereal and physical.
Yet remember that even the ethereal, subtle DNA is mostly dormant along with the physical. So even if the Higher Intelligence wants to activate us, there are blocks because the ethereal and physical DNA and thus the body are not vibrating at a higher frequency to receive greater awakening.
However, when awakened by opening our hearts, contemplation, selfless service, practices of meditation, and similar methods, through the grace of an awakened teacher/teachers, or by opening ourselves to the hidden inner Light that surrounds everything directly---- both the ethereal and the physical DNA are activated. Then our cells in our body respond and vibrate at a higher frequency. This higher vibration affects and purifies our mind and emotions and causes karma that is locked inside the cells to be released to the Light. We experience our true love and all higher Self qualities because all that is negative is released.
This is partly what is meant by "going from two stranded to twelve" stranded DNA. From what I understand, 10 more strands of ethereal or subtle DNA is dormant but gets activated by systematic spiritual practice. These additional strands in turn affect the physical two stranded DNA and cause the physical DNA to also become more active and less dormant.
Also when more DNA is active, both subtle and physical we regain our dormant inner powers of unconditional love, intuition, and many other talents and gifts that are normally hidden or dormant.
So all of these videos and the efforts of millions around the globe is to get us to wake up and remember who we are. The whole purpose is to realize more and more of unconditional love and put it into action. The idea of being here on this planet is to release karma that has been buried within our memory and thus our cells in this lifetime and countless lifetimes. Karma can most easily dealt with when one has a physical body. As I have written before, it is harder in the ethers to deal with karma, especially karma that was created in physical worlds.
The purpose of awakening and unfolding into greater enlightenment is that we enjoy greater serenity, expanded thinking, automatic compassion, peace, and broader intuition to solve our problems and the problems in the world. We realize how much there really is to do within ourselves and for the world and that there is seemingly so little time while in a body. We spontaneously and remember our Higher Self qualities and walk away from darkened qualities and behaviors. The more Light that enters our system, the more work and service we can do in an ever increasingly effortless way. Fatigue and tiredness slowly dissipate when more Light enters us. We see the world differently because pure wisdom grows and so we are not the victims of the ego which will always pull us down and create more karma and negativity for us.
There is so much more for another blog.
The greatest negative karmas that are created through our ego are many but there are some that can be described in broad terms: All of the thoughts, actions and choices of such examples below are directly locked into our cellular memory and thus our DNA from this lifetime and many lifetimes.
0. Not being true to our own heart; not listening to our hearts, not listening to pure guidance and continuously rejecting our heart's promptings.---Listening to and staying stuck in the illusion of the ego.---going against our hearts, giving away our power, assigning our power to other people to manipulate us and victimize us without coming into our own knowing and power. This all creates enormous negative karma for ourselves because we compromise ourselves--our very being and our Soul without standing up for what we know is right---all based in continued fear. We know through our heart if what we are doing is good or not for us. Not being true and listening to our heart is what creates the most karma.
Or, knowing somewhere inside us we are supposed to connect with, love and work with someone or groups of ones that we have Soul Contracts with but we do not honor them and run away from--by not following our hearts........
All this causes rebirth over and over until we truly and fully listen to the voice of love and intuition in our own hearts
1. These are the karmas of wasting our time, talents and abilities, particularly when we know we have them ;and yet, still consciously and unconsciously make choices that keep us stuck and stagnant. As the videos say, great pain arises when we see just how much precious time we all waste in not developing our full potential. That is why rebirth occurs until we finally express full Avatar hood while in a body.---It is a process of evolution.
2. Continued Selfish and Self-absorbed behaviors and thinking that hurt other people directly and indirectly--not seeking forgiveness and making amends--first inside ourselves and then with them.
3. Deliberately harming, neglecting, and hurting others, knowingly and unknowingly--consciously and unconsciously--our brain and mind can be so dense we may not even realize this until we awaken into more Light and Love.
4. Although everyone has their own timing, it is the failure to look within and contemplate one's inner issues and station in life and making the necessary choices and changes to help with our transformation, particularly inner honesty and integrity..... It is a kind of Self-neglect, so to speak. It is the running away from ourselves, fear and lack of emotional responsibility to ourselves and others that create negative karma for us. It only snowballs where lifetime and after lifetime our circumstances get worse until we literally have an internal explosion that has to be cleared and released. Our Soul will not allow us to go on forever in denial, pretending that nothing is wrong. Remember, there is no escape. What we do not face in one lifetime will come back later in life in the same form or another form, often worse until we do deal with it in the best way we can.
5. Deliberately and unknowingly not protecting children or young minds and hearts or at least making an effort to when we know something is wrong, to the best of our power and ability. Even if we have our own abuse issues, it is the harming of younger people that we know of or take part in that creates very negative karma.
6. Using our body and mind to exploit others and allowing others to exploit us and to create monetary gain from these selfish purposes. This means selling of our Selves in any form, including sexually. This is not a judgement. Rather, our body and mind are given to us as gifts to understand ourselves and to help inspire, serve and help others. Yet, through free will, we have the power to uplift or to harm ourselves and others. The use of body and mind to harm or to waste the vital life force in the above mentioned activities creates negative karma that only boomerangs back to us in the form of mental and emotional torture, health problems and lack of vitality. This is part of Universal Law. It is not a punishment ---it is the net result of free will choice. Whatever we choose we will reap ---but there is no judgement from this.
7. Having healing abilities, health skills and aptitude and not utilizing these for the highest purposes--or neglecting them for more negative choices that we get involved in. When we misuse these gifts and directly harm or indirectly hurt others, negative karma ensues. This is why doctors still take the Hippocratic Oath, and other Health practitioners also adhere to some form of integrity, honesty, and accountability.
8. Remaining within the realm of toxic addictions of any kind and the culture of addictions of any kind. This is a very tough area and can be very deeply ingrained from this lifetime and other lifetimes. All I can say is that when we at least make a sincere, sustained effort and a conscious choice to consistently clear these from our field then we are on the road to a clearer path in Light. However, if we choose to stay then we make a challenging issue even more difficult because the karma only snowballs.
However, what creates more negative karma or makes a difficult situation worse is when we deliberately choose to remain within this realm and do not make effort or ask a Higher power for a different life.
No one can force us to do anything---we can remain wherever we want. The only net result is more suffering.
Anyway, more later.
Although they are all excellent: these were resounding for me: Avatar, Angelic Human Race, Awakening Human Angels, Soul Groups and Families, Star Seeds Part one and two, Twin Flame Blessing, Karma one and two, Rainbow Acts of Kindness, Gratitude, The Golden Key, Change......, Ripple Effect....., "Walk-Ins", Light Worker Part 1, Song of Ascension, Forgiveness and Forgiveness and Letting Go, Law of One, I Believe, The Mature Heart, Hope is a Gift, We are the Ones We are Waiting For, Love and Friendship, Love and Tantra, The Art of Blessing, The Dark Night of the Soul, The Wounded Healer, --Butterfly, The Law of One, Simplicity-----and of course all the others as well.
More videos soon----Thanks Dr. R---Hope people reading look at ALL these videos over and over until something truly shifts inside and so much more......
All of them are excellent. Sorry if some of them seem "way out there", but if one views them over and over, the ideas will soak in and we will realize how much they represent Universal Truth and knowledge. We are in a world where everything makes us forget who we are and what reality really is. So seeing these and contemplating the words and ideas will help us remember and awaken what is known as our cellular memory.
Locked within the cells of course is our DNA and it encodes everything and creates and maintains the physical body. Most of the DNA is dormant. What is little known except in mysticism and those studying at deeper levels is that the physical DNA has a subtle, ethereal form of DNA which also can be dormant. This ethereal DNA is the invisible counterpart to the physical. Both are intertwined. The invisible ethereal DNA is connected to the life force and this life force intelligence is what guides the ethereal DNA and the physical DNA to manifest our body and all of the events that go on in our lives. Our life thus reflects the activity of the subtle DNA upon the physical and everything we experience is the net result of this constant interplay between ethereal and physical.
Yet remember that even the ethereal, subtle DNA is mostly dormant along with the physical. So even if the Higher Intelligence wants to activate us, there are blocks because the ethereal and physical DNA and thus the body are not vibrating at a higher frequency to receive greater awakening.
However, when awakened by opening our hearts, contemplation, selfless service, practices of meditation, and similar methods, through the grace of an awakened teacher/teachers, or by opening ourselves to the hidden inner Light that surrounds everything directly---- both the ethereal and the physical DNA are activated. Then our cells in our body respond and vibrate at a higher frequency. This higher vibration affects and purifies our mind and emotions and causes karma that is locked inside the cells to be released to the Light. We experience our true love and all higher Self qualities because all that is negative is released.
This is partly what is meant by "going from two stranded to twelve" stranded DNA. From what I understand, 10 more strands of ethereal or subtle DNA is dormant but gets activated by systematic spiritual practice. These additional strands in turn affect the physical two stranded DNA and cause the physical DNA to also become more active and less dormant.
Also when more DNA is active, both subtle and physical we regain our dormant inner powers of unconditional love, intuition, and many other talents and gifts that are normally hidden or dormant.
So all of these videos and the efforts of millions around the globe is to get us to wake up and remember who we are. The whole purpose is to realize more and more of unconditional love and put it into action. The idea of being here on this planet is to release karma that has been buried within our memory and thus our cells in this lifetime and countless lifetimes. Karma can most easily dealt with when one has a physical body. As I have written before, it is harder in the ethers to deal with karma, especially karma that was created in physical worlds.
The purpose of awakening and unfolding into greater enlightenment is that we enjoy greater serenity, expanded thinking, automatic compassion, peace, and broader intuition to solve our problems and the problems in the world. We realize how much there really is to do within ourselves and for the world and that there is seemingly so little time while in a body. We spontaneously and remember our Higher Self qualities and walk away from darkened qualities and behaviors. The more Light that enters our system, the more work and service we can do in an ever increasingly effortless way. Fatigue and tiredness slowly dissipate when more Light enters us. We see the world differently because pure wisdom grows and so we are not the victims of the ego which will always pull us down and create more karma and negativity for us.
There is so much more for another blog.
The greatest negative karmas that are created through our ego are many but there are some that can be described in broad terms: All of the thoughts, actions and choices of such examples below are directly locked into our cellular memory and thus our DNA from this lifetime and many lifetimes.
0. Not being true to our own heart; not listening to our hearts, not listening to pure guidance and continuously rejecting our heart's promptings.---Listening to and staying stuck in the illusion of the ego.---going against our hearts, giving away our power, assigning our power to other people to manipulate us and victimize us without coming into our own knowing and power. This all creates enormous negative karma for ourselves because we compromise ourselves--our very being and our Soul without standing up for what we know is right---all based in continued fear. We know through our heart if what we are doing is good or not for us. Not being true and listening to our heart is what creates the most karma.
Or, knowing somewhere inside us we are supposed to connect with, love and work with someone or groups of ones that we have Soul Contracts with but we do not honor them and run away from--by not following our hearts........
All this causes rebirth over and over until we truly and fully listen to the voice of love and intuition in our own hearts
1. These are the karmas of wasting our time, talents and abilities, particularly when we know we have them ;and yet, still consciously and unconsciously make choices that keep us stuck and stagnant. As the videos say, great pain arises when we see just how much precious time we all waste in not developing our full potential. That is why rebirth occurs until we finally express full Avatar hood while in a body.---It is a process of evolution.
2. Continued Selfish and Self-absorbed behaviors and thinking that hurt other people directly and indirectly--not seeking forgiveness and making amends--first inside ourselves and then with them.
3. Deliberately harming, neglecting, and hurting others, knowingly and unknowingly--consciously and unconsciously--our brain and mind can be so dense we may not even realize this until we awaken into more Light and Love.
4. Although everyone has their own timing, it is the failure to look within and contemplate one's inner issues and station in life and making the necessary choices and changes to help with our transformation, particularly inner honesty and integrity..... It is a kind of Self-neglect, so to speak. It is the running away from ourselves, fear and lack of emotional responsibility to ourselves and others that create negative karma for us. It only snowballs where lifetime and after lifetime our circumstances get worse until we literally have an internal explosion that has to be cleared and released. Our Soul will not allow us to go on forever in denial, pretending that nothing is wrong. Remember, there is no escape. What we do not face in one lifetime will come back later in life in the same form or another form, often worse until we do deal with it in the best way we can.
5. Deliberately and unknowingly not protecting children or young minds and hearts or at least making an effort to when we know something is wrong, to the best of our power and ability. Even if we have our own abuse issues, it is the harming of younger people that we know of or take part in that creates very negative karma.
6. Using our body and mind to exploit others and allowing others to exploit us and to create monetary gain from these selfish purposes. This means selling of our Selves in any form, including sexually. This is not a judgement. Rather, our body and mind are given to us as gifts to understand ourselves and to help inspire, serve and help others. Yet, through free will, we have the power to uplift or to harm ourselves and others. The use of body and mind to harm or to waste the vital life force in the above mentioned activities creates negative karma that only boomerangs back to us in the form of mental and emotional torture, health problems and lack of vitality. This is part of Universal Law. It is not a punishment ---it is the net result of free will choice. Whatever we choose we will reap ---but there is no judgement from this.
7. Having healing abilities, health skills and aptitude and not utilizing these for the highest purposes--or neglecting them for more negative choices that we get involved in. When we misuse these gifts and directly harm or indirectly hurt others, negative karma ensues. This is why doctors still take the Hippocratic Oath, and other Health practitioners also adhere to some form of integrity, honesty, and accountability.
8. Remaining within the realm of toxic addictions of any kind and the culture of addictions of any kind. This is a very tough area and can be very deeply ingrained from this lifetime and other lifetimes. All I can say is that when we at least make a sincere, sustained effort and a conscious choice to consistently clear these from our field then we are on the road to a clearer path in Light. However, if we choose to stay then we make a challenging issue even more difficult because the karma only snowballs.
However, what creates more negative karma or makes a difficult situation worse is when we deliberately choose to remain within this realm and do not make effort or ask a Higher power for a different life.
No one can force us to do anything---we can remain wherever we want. The only net result is more suffering.
Anyway, more later.
Although they are all excellent: these were resounding for me: Avatar, Angelic Human Race, Awakening Human Angels, Soul Groups and Families, Star Seeds Part one and two, Twin Flame Blessing, Karma one and two, Rainbow Acts of Kindness, Gratitude, The Golden Key, Change......, Ripple Effect....., "Walk-Ins", Light Worker Part 1, Song of Ascension, Forgiveness and Forgiveness and Letting Go, Law of One, I Believe, The Mature Heart, Hope is a Gift, We are the Ones We are Waiting For, Love and Friendship, Love and Tantra, The Art of Blessing, The Dark Night of the Soul, The Wounded Healer, --Butterfly, The Law of One, Simplicity-----and of course all the others as well.
More videos soon----Thanks Dr. R---Hope people reading look at ALL these videos over and over until something truly shifts inside and so much more......
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
"Change The World" by One Million V-Star Children & Howard McCrary
WATCH THIS! What an incredible video from the dhamakaya foundation
in Thailand---Children are the most precious gems in the world. We must all work for the protection and upliftment and enlightenment of children, not contribute more to their suffering.---Great karma ensues for allowing children to suffer,---globally and individually.
Children and all of us do have the power to change the world.
Group consciousness has a ripple effect in this world--knowingly and unknowingly --see the video on Ripple Effect and karma below also from
It's Early Morning: Why am I up? Dr. R
It is early morning. Why am I up? I am often up between 3:30 am and 6am and anything in between. Is this "crazy?" No, not at all---there are millions of practitioners around the world who understand the significance of rising early for spiritual practice and for contemplation.
This is known in Sanskrit as the "Brahma-murta"---this is the time for Yoga, meditation, and contemplation. The mind and body are most receptive to intuition, awakening and deeper study. It is a good thing to rise before the sun. In India it is said, "it is most auspicious to not allow the rising sun to shine upon your sleeping back"--
Studies show that students who are studying for exams perform better if they rise and study during these hours before a test than to cram the whole night, stay up late and then wake up.
Many people are in a reverse sleep cycle. They stay up late til two am or more and then crash until noon or 1pm or longer the next day. This eventually affects the body and mind in a harmful way and adds to many diseases and premature aging--that will be discovered I feel in this century.
The early dawn sun rays are very healing. In many traditions, the baby sun is very sacred and that is why so much inspiration arises during these hours. These gentle rays activate the brain and the spiritual centers so that meditation can take place smoothly and easily.
Of course, with our busy schedules, sometimes it is hard to do and of course, sleep is an issue. However, over time, I have found that anytime between these hours really sets a different kind of day. You feel more purposeful. Somehow the day goes by in a better and higher way. Only practice will illustrate this for us.
Anyway, there are more videos from the humanity healing series I put on. I put on many because they are so inspiring, informative and uplifting. Hope all those who read awaken to their higher purpose.
Dr. R-------gotta go stand on my head now! :) :) :)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Forgiveness and the Freedom of Letting go
This video says it all; it summarizes much of what I have been writing about.
Dr. R
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
RIG-VEDA: AFRICA, SUMER & EGYPT ARE NOT THE CRADLE OF THE ARYAN RACE. In order to understand this series, it is imperative to read the following work of Lokamanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak THE ARCTIC HOME IN THE VEDAS @ -The Veda is the original WORD the source from which everything else in the world emanated, and as such it cannot but be eternal. Here in brief, are the views entertained by Hindu orthodox theologians, scholars and philosophers in regard to the origin, character and authority of the Vedas; and on comparing them with the results of our investigation, it will be found that Patanjalis and Vyâsas view about the antiquity and the eternity of the Vedas derives material support from the theory of the Arctic home which we have endeavored to prove in the foregoing pages on strict scientific and historical grounds. It has been shown that Vedic religion and worship are both inter-Glacial; and that though we cannot trace their ultimate origin, yet the Arctic character of the Vedic deities fully proves that the powers of Nature represented by them had been already clothed with divine attributes by the primitive Aryans in their original home round about the North Pole, or the Meru of the Purâṇas. When the Polar home was destroyed by glaciation, the Aryan people that survived the catastrophe carried with them as much of their religion and worship as it was possible to do under the circumstances; and the relic, thus saved from the general wreck, was the basis of the Aryan religion in the post-Glacial age. The whole period from the commencement of the post-Glacial era to the birth of Buddha may, on this theory, be approximately divided into four parts: — 10000 or 8000 B.C. — The destruction of the original Arctic home by the last Ice Age and the commencement of the post-Glacial period. 80005000 B.C. — The age of migration from the original home. The Survivors of the Aryan race roamed over the northern parts of Europe and Asia in search of lands suitable for new settlements. The vernal equinox was then in the constellation of Punarvasû, and as Aditi is the presiding deity of Punarvasû, therefore, be called the Aditi or the Pre-Orion Period. 50003000 B.C. — The Orion Period, when the vernal equinox was in Orion. Many Vedic hymns can be traced to the early part of this period and the bards of the race, seem to have not yet forgotten the real import or significance of the traditions of the Arctic home inherited by them. It was at this time that first attempts to reform the calendar and the sacrificial system appear to have been systematically made. 30001400 B.C. — The Kṛittikâ Period, when the vernal equinox was in Pleiades. The Taittirîya Saṁhitâ and the Brâhmaṇas, which begin the series of nakṣhatras with the Kṛittikâs, are evidently the productions of this period. The compilation of the hymns into Saṁhitâs also appears, to be a work of the early part of this period. The traditions about the original Arctic home had grown dim by this time and very often misunderstood, making the Vedic hymns more and more unintelligible. The sacrificial system and the numerous details thereof found in the Brâhmaṇas seem to have been developed during this, time. It was at the end of this Period that the Vedâṅga-jyotiṣha was originally composed, or at any rate the position of the equinoxes mentioned therein observed and ascertained. 1400500 B.C. — The Pre-Buddhistic Period, when the Sûtras and the Philosophical systems made their appearance. I shall, therefore, content myself with a statement of such facts as plainly indicate the reminiscence of an ancient Arctic home in the traditional literature of the Slavonic, Celtic, Greek, Roman & Teutonic branches of the Aryan race; and I may here state that I am greatly indebted for this purpose to that learned and masterly work, The Hibbert lectures, by Prof. Rhys. On the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic Heathendom. From the legends mentioned, or referred to, or described above, it may be easily seen that many traces of the Arctic calendar are still discernible in the mythology of the western Aryan races like Celts, Teutons, Lets, Slavs, Greeks and Romans. In the Ṛig-Veda § I, 24, 10 the constellation of Ursa Major (Ṛikṣhaḥ) is described as being placed high (uchhâh), and, as this can refer only to the altitude of the constellation, it follows that it must then have been over the head of the observer, which is possible only in the Circum-Polar regions. The evidence mainly consists of direct passages from the Vedas and the Avesta, proving unmistakably that the poets of the Ṛig-Veda & Mahabharata were acquainted with the climatic conditions witnessable only in the Arctic regions. Lokamanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak.
MAHABHARATA: THE CRADLE OF HUMAN RACE IS AT THE NORTH POLE. In order to understand this series, it is imperative to read the following work of Lokamanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak THE ARCTIC HOME IN THE VEDAS @ -That human races have preserved their ancient traditions is undoubted, though some or many of them may have become distorted in course of time, and it is for us to see if they do or do not accord with what we know of the ancient man from latest scientific researches. In the case of the Vedic traditions and beliefs, we have the further advantage that they were collected thousands of years ago, and handed down unchanged from that remote time. It is, therefore, not unlikely that we may find traces of the primeval Polar home in these oldest books. If the Aryan man did live within the Arctic circle in early times, especially as a portion of the Ṛig-Veda & Mahabharata is still admittedly unintelligible on any of the existing methods of interpretation, although the words and expressions are plain and simple in many places. The authority for the statement is Manu, I, 67. While describing the divisions of time it says, A year (human) is a day and a night of the Gods; thus are the two divided, the northern passage of the sun is the day and the southern the night.* The day and the night of the Gods are then taken as a unit for measuring longer periods of time as the Kalpas and so on, and Yâskas Nirukta, XIV, 4, probably contains the same reference. Muir, in the first Volume of his Original Sanskrit Texts, gives some of these passages so far as they bear on the yuga-system found in the Purâṇas. But we are not concerned with the later development of the idea that the day and the night of the Gods each lasted for six months. What is important, from our point of view, is the persistent prevalence of this tradition in the Vedic and the Post-Vedic literature, which can only be explained on the hypothesis that originally it must have been the result of actual observation. Mahâbhârata gives a clear description of Mount Meru, the lord of the mountains, as to leave no doubt its being the North Pole, or possessing the Polar characteristics. In chapters 163 and 164 of the Vanaparvan, Arjunas visit to the Mount is described in detail and we are therein told, at Meru the sun and the moon go round from left to right (Pradakṣhiṇam) every day and so do all the stars. Later on the writer informs us: — The mountain, by its lustre, so overcomes the darkness of night, that the night can hardly be distinguished from the day. A few verses further, and we find, The day and the night are together equal to a year to the residents of the place.* These quotations are quite sufficient to convince anyone that at the time when the great epic was composed Indian writers had a tolerably accurate knowledge of the meteorological and astronomical characteristics of the North Pole, and this knowledge cannot be supposed to have been acquired by mere mathematical calculations. The reference to the luster of the mountain is specially interesting, inasmuch as, in all probability, it is a description of the splendors of the Aurora Borealis visible at the North Pole. So far as the Post-Vedic literature is concerned, we have, therefore, not only the tradition of the half-year-long night and day of the Gods persistently mentioned, but the Mount Meru, or the North Pole, is, described with such accuracy as to lead. us to believe that it is an ancient tradition, whose origin must be traced to a time when these phenomena were daily observed by the people; and this is confirmed, by the fact that the tradition is not confined only to the Post-Vedic literature. We shall, therefore, content ourselves with a statement of such facts as plainly indicate the reminiscence of an ancient Arctic home in the traditional literature of the Greek, Roman, Celtic, Teutonic and Slavonic branches of the Aryan race. We must examine the ancient traditions and beliefs of the race, incorporated in such admittedly oldest Aryan books, as the Vedas (RIG-VEDA, MAHABHARATA, etc.) and the Avesta, and see if they justify us in predicating the inter-glacial existence of the Aryan people.
Lokamanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak THE ARCTIC HOME IN THE VEDAS @
Lokamanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak THE ARCTIC HOME IN THE VEDAS @
The whole theory of the Aryans and the original Dravidian Indians is of great controversy. Suffice to say that somehow there was some kind of migration and blending of cultures to form the original cradle of civilization on the giant subcontinent: the oldest continuous civilization known on this planet.
ARKAIM - THE SWASTIKA CITY, TEMPLE, SUPER OBSERVATORY & CRADLE OF ARYAN CIVILIZATION: The ancient Slavic Aryan horizon observatory (and fortified settlement) near Magnitogorsk, (Siberia) RUSSIA, dated by conventional methods as 5500 years old - (in reality pre ~12,000 BC Aryan site, which was rebuilt many times during different stages of history). The latest carbon dating shows the age of ARKAIM ARTIFACTS as ~3500-4000 BC. ARKAIM has a form of two inscribed circle walls - 170 and 85 meters in diameter, with 60 houses: 35 between the circles and 25 in inner circle. Many sizes of the buildings are incredible precise astronomical quantities and sizes. ARAKIM is much older than the Stonehenge. The latitude of the ARAKIM placement is the same as STONEHENGE. Site currently surrounded by deliberate silence from the Western academic community who would like the idea of rewriting history with admission that everything we know is built on hoaxes? HISTORICAL FACTS - A FORGOTTEN ARYAN RACE: Perhaps 100,000 years ago or more, a great star-gazing Ice Age people lived in the Arctic region, at that time a temperate zone, before migrating south to Inner Asia as conditions changed and the great ice sheets melted. There, in a fertile land - paradise, these unknown sages (ARYANS) became the core of a Ural-Altaic race that continued to evolve over the millennia, improving the stock of primitive humanity by intermarriage, developing cosmological sciences and political structures that sowed the seeds of our present civilized state, migrating across the earth and then disappearing, leaving immortal legends about itself behind. The British author John Michell cites the massive evidence for such a civilization, which he regards as essentially magical, and still faintly visible across the earth for those who care to look: The entire surface of the earth is marked with the traces of a gigantic work of prehistoric engineering, the remains of a once universal system of natural magic, involving the use of polar magnetism together with another positive force related to solar energy. Of the various human and superhuman races that have occupied the earth in the past, we have only the dreamlike accounts of the earliest myths. All we can suppose is that some overwhelming disaster destroyed a system whose maintenance depended upon its control of certain natural forces across the entire earth. Michell is one voice among many claiming that in the archives of prehistoric peoples a forgotten race has left traces of an advanced body of knowledge, seemingly both spiritual and technological, which can guide us, if we will, into a viable future. Despite being ignored by mainstream historians and anthropologists, this theory is being ever more insistently put forward by highly accredited researchers as evidence for the enormous age of our species continues to be found not only in the legends of races in every part of the planet but also in the thousands of technological anomalies being unearthed in unlikely geological strata. The ancient Greek historians had much to say on this subject, especially concerning the legends of Asia Minor which told of the descent thereto, in the depths of the Ice Ages, of the HYPERBOREANS, a mysterious race of superior beings from Polar regions whose Pillar works on earth sought to mirror the starry heavens above. Yet it is Central and Inner Asia further to the east, a vast land of steppes, mountains and sandy deserts, whose people preserve the most significant memories of a time beyond telling when cities populated the deserts and an Elder race walked tall on the earth. And it is these Ural-Altaic regions that are now taking centre stage as the search continues for the roots of HUMANS and the path into a viable future. ARKAIM: A Bronze Age Town in the Southern Urals. In 1987, in the middle of the Russian steppe, a team of Russian archaeologists unearthed the ruins of a fortified town called ARKAIM, causing great excitement in scientific ranks. The region was known to have preserved landmarks of the most diverse cultures, ranging from every epoch and every direction of the compass, but ARKAIM was the first clear evidence of an ancient advanced culture flourishing on Russian soil. Note 1: This is what the following presentation is all about and much-much more (Please read: Lokamanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak "THE ARCTIC HOME IN THE VEDAS" @ NOTE 2: Please check GIGAL REPHAIM (Rogem Hiri site) on the Golan Heights in Israel @ - GIGAL REPHAIM IS NOT a STONEHENGE built by alleged GIANTS. It has absolutely the same dimensions - diameter & outer length as ARKAIM. It was simply SLAVIC ARYAN CALENDAR built on the soil - the simplest way for the timekeeping. As you will see in this presentation, the current territory of Palestine & Israel used to be Slavic Aryan territory.
Jesus in the vedas.wmv
here is similar text from another video on Jesus foreseen in the ancient Vedas, several thousand years before his coming. Similar words in the previous video also.
Dr. R
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Jesus Prophecised in the Holy Vedas
Here is an interesting you tube on Jesus in India---as I wrote last year in a previous blog.
The Vedas describe Isha 3000 years before his coming to India and Kashmir and Tibet. This video is an interesting translation of that part of the ancient Indian Texts known as the Vedas
Isha, became Issa and then the word changed to Jesus over the centuries.
Isha Putra means the "son of God" in Sanksrit---which was also known to Jesus,,,,,,Jesus knew Sanskrit and the original Aramaic languages---
"Masiha" became the word messiah, ------
So in Sanskrit Isha Masiha means, "Jesus the Messiah---"
"Miecha desa"---- means the land of those who are wandering, blindly, performing negative actions and accumlating negative karma--both in Israel and India.---which was Jesus' focus at that time.
Isha Putra means the "son of God" in Sanksrit---which was also known to Jesus,,,,,,Jesus knew Sanskrit and the original Aramaic languages---
"Masiha" became the word messiah, ------
So in Sanskrit Isha Masiha means, "Jesus the Messiah---"
"Miecha desa"---- means the land of those who are wandering, blindly, performing negative actions and accumlating negative karma--both in Israel and India.---which was Jesus' focus at that time.
In the video, "japa" means spiritual practice, the start of meditation by repetition of any sacred name or thought, it means continuous prayer.
Jesus in my experience and opinion lived in India also, and travelled back and forth.
I will find more interesting videos.
If you scroll down there are wonderful chants from the Vedas----and explanations...
You know, even if we do not believe anything, or in Jesus or any spiritual teacher, can we just meditate on the eyes of Jesus and use them as a mirror to reflect our own actions, thoughts and choices in this lifetime? Can we go on, the way we are and with what we are doing? Can we live with a haunted heart? see my blog
We are the only ones who can decide. Ultimately, the Light wins out in my opinion.
Dr. Rama
This was the intro from You Tube:
This was the intro from You Tube:
Prophecy which, describes the future appearance of Isha putra, the son (putra) of God (Isha)(Jesus Christ), born of an unmarried woman named Kumari (Mary) Garbha Sambhava. (Dr. Rama) added--here in red and blue-----"Ku---mari" Sanskrit word for delicate goddess---- became the word Mary-------
Garbha Shambava means the ability to conceive a Virgin Birth.----- Garbha means womb and Shambava means a state of Oneness where a child can enter the womb without conception by Divine intervention---well known process in Hinduism ---
He would visit India at the age of thirteen and go to the Himalayan Mountains and do tapas or penance to acquire spiritual maturity under the guidance of rishis and siddha-yogis before going back to Palestine to preach to his people, explaining why he was able to perform various miracles (siddhas).
It also explains why there are so many philosophical similarities between early Christianity and Hinduism. Jesus was an initiate of the Vedic wisdom of India. Thus, he naturally based much of his own teachings on Vedic knowledge, much of which has been lost from the Christian fold through the ages. (Such as in Constantinople in 441AD when the Romans decided to get rid of Jesus' teachings on reincarnation, karma, vegetarianism and fashion them to suit themselves).
Friday, February 18, 2011
Vedic Chants
The Vedas are the oldest known and some of the most beautiful and intriguing Hymns and chants in the World. They are sung and performed often in very authentic and scientifically based series of rituals, many in front of sacred fires. The fires and smoke take on various shapes and forms---as the different deities and Nature Spirits take form in the fire---as they are called up---all is in the Divine Light--there is nothing negative. That is why they show photos of the fire..... They purify the atmosphere and the people who participate. The words were heard in deep meditation by ancient Yogis and sages. They are extremely old---and were heard through the Universal ethers and passed down to priests over millions of years.
The Vedas are older than what scholars know today, and are actually timeless--they are pervasive through the Universe but captured by the meditative minds of ancient sages.
The Vedas purify the heart and the entire body and mind if heard regularly. Science is now discovering the effects of the sounds on the heart and brain.
They are very soothing to heal the haunted and tortured heart and soul----written about in my blog
Offering our negativity and pain to the fire mentally---and emotionally purifies our entire being inside ---through the mystery of ritual.
Offering our negativity and pain to the fire mentally---and emotionally purifies our entire being inside ---through the mystery of ritual.
I included only a few here, there are many ---the knowledge contained in these can take lifetimes to understand and master.
Narayana Suktam - the supreme self of all - Yajur Veda with English su...
Narayana means the radiance of Light that emanates from the One Universal Source. Narayana or Vishnu is personified as a blue deity with many arms lying upon the serpent of infinite consciousness. It is a poetic personification of the magnificence of this created world as well as the unseen.
In many temples, Vishnu is often seen with eyes closed. If and when he opens them the entire Universe implodes back into Oneness and void over trillions of years. While his eyes are closed, the Universe is able to function as we know it.
How amazing that this correlates with the big bang and other theories: yogis and saints literally perceived these Truths in the depths of their meditation for countless centuries.
Purusha Suktam - the Source of all - know the essence of the Vedas
The Purusha Suktam is in praise of the infinite. These are not mere words just made up by someone one casual afternoon. The ancient greatest sages in deepest states of consciousness brought forward these sounds and chants from the deepest Source of the Universe through the Sanskrit language. Its words are spellbinding and soothes and heals the haunted heart. Just by listening to the words, they begin to dissolve the pain of the haunted and tortured heart see for the recent post on One Little Candle Can Illumine the Haunted Heart.
Dr. R
rigvedam part1
Here is part one of an explanation of the Rig Veda one of the types of Vedic Chant---It illustrates the enormous wisdom of Ancient India.
Dr. R
Mantra Pushpam - Vedic Hymns in sanskrit
The mantra pushpa Veda is a series of rituals to the element of water. Some of the Vedas arose to work with the five elements: earth, air, fire, water, and the subtle ether.
Mantra Pushpam - Vedic Hymns
This mantra is from Taithreeya Aranyakam of Yajur Veda.
Lyrics & Meaning (From m.html)
Yopam puspam veda
Puspavan prajavan pasuvan bhavati
Candramava Apam puspam
Puspavan, Prajavan pasuman bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanam bhavati.
He who understands the flowers of water,
He becomes the possessor of flowers, children and cattle.
Moon is the flower of the water,
He who understands this fact,
He becomes the possessor of flowers, children and cattle.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Agnirva Apamayatanam
Ayatanavan Bhavati
Yo agnerayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovagner ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Fire is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of fire,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Vayurva Apamaya tanam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Yova Yorayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati|
Apovai va yorayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Ya Evam veda
Yopamayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan Bhavati
Air is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of air,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Asowvai tapanna pamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yo musya tapata Ayatanan Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apova Amusyatapata Ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Scorching sun is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of scorching sun,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Candrama Vama pamayatnam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Yascandra masa Ayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai Candra masa Ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yo pamayatanam veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Moon is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of moon,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Nakshtrani va Apamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yo Nakshtrana mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai Nakshtrana mayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ye evam Veda
Yopamaya tanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Stars are the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of stars,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Parjanyova apamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yah parjanyasya syayatinam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai parjanya Syayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ye Evam veda
Yopa maya tanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Clouds are the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of clouds,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Samvastaro Va Apamayatanam
Ayatavan bhavati
Yassavatsa rasyaya tanam Veda
Ayatavan bhavati.
Apovai samvasara ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam veda
Yopsu Navam pratistitam veda
Pratyeva tistati
Rainy season is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of rainy season,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows that there is a raft is available,
Becomes established in that raft.
This mantra is from Taithreeya Aranyakam of Yajur Veda.
Lyrics & Meaning (From
Yopam puspam veda
Puspavan prajavan pasuvan bhavati
Candramava Apam puspam
Puspavan, Prajavan pasuman bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanam bhavati.
He who understands the flowers of water,
He becomes the possessor of flowers, children and cattle.
Moon is the flower of the water,
He who understands this fact,
He becomes the possessor of flowers, children and cattle.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Agnirva Apamayatanam
Ayatanavan Bhavati
Yo agnerayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovagner ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Fire is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of fire,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Vayurva Apamaya tanam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Yova Yorayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati|
Apovai va yorayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Ya Evam veda
Yopamayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan Bhavati
Air is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of air,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Asowvai tapanna pamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yo musya tapata Ayatanan Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apova Amusyatapata Ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Scorching sun is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of scorching sun,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Candrama Vama pamayatnam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Yascandra masa Ayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai Candra masa Ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yo pamayatanam veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Moon is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of moon,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Nakshtrani va Apamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yo Nakshtrana mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai Nakshtrana mayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ye evam Veda
Yopamaya tanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Stars are the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of stars,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Parjanyova apamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yah parjanyasya syayatinam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai parjanya Syayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ye Evam veda
Yopa maya tanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Clouds are the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of clouds,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Samvastaro Va Apamayatanam
Ayatavan bhavati
Yassavatsa rasyaya tanam Veda
Ayatavan bhavati.
Apovai samvasara ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam veda
Yopsu Navam pratistitam veda
Pratyeva tistati
Rainy season is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of rainy season,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows that there is a raft is available,
Becomes established in that raft.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Genius of India -part1
Sri Aurobindo was one of the greatest Spiritual Masters of Modern Times. He attained a rare level of cosmic consciousness and is well known for his extraordinary writings. These four parts are based on an essay that he wrote on the "Genius of India".
"Aurobindo" means the seed or dot of the magificent Aura of the Soul: seen in deep meditation.---and experienced as bliss, Light and so much more
He lived in the early 20th century in Pondicherry, South India and eventually Auroville was formed---the original place where "Integral Yoga"--a blend of all yogas is practiced there.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Test Yourself The tree of life Vesica piscis Secred Geometry
here are some videos explaining sacred geometry and below the sounds of healing with various Herz cycles---It is all part of unlocking the mysteries of creation to understand the secrets of Spirit\
Dr. R
The Miracle of 528 Hz Solfeggio and Fibonacci numbers
here is an explanation of the different frequencies of sound that help heal that I posted last week. It is a good summary.
Much is needed in today's medicine in healing and harmony through sound. Dr. R===more needs to be looked at over time.
Not only gregorian chants, but Indian Vedic chants also are based in some of these sounds as well
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Michael Bayard and Ann Roach: Ancient Hebrew Chant "Shema"
Beautiful rendition of this ancient Hebrew Song---dr r
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Star Children
Written by the original video author who posted on You tube:
The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today.
However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, -----------
and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication.
The Crystal Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some date them slightly earlier. These are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution, and reveal to us our inner power and divinity. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the" Law of One" or Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for love and peace on the planet
more at
According to many working with such subjects------and thoughts---
Dr. Rama
Indigo Crystal Rainbow & Starseed Children & Adults
Here is another testimony----hope all take it with an open mind. Dr. Rama
Starseeds ... Starchildren... Children of Light... Pt1
This may sound "way out there" but with today's expansion of consciousness and many practicing enlightening methods are discovering these principles. Here is one example, something I have written about many times before.
Dr. R
CNN - Anderson Cooper - Indigo Children
Here is a great clip from Anderson Cooper---Dr. R---1978 Onwards is mentioned in this clip as the time when many, many of these kids and now adults were born----It was one of the waves of Indigos, although it is known some came before this time. Also there are many others: Crystal, rainbow Souls and others who all have various tasks and mission---as I have written about before. Some are striving, some struggling, some are going backwards, regressing and even are severely damaged mentally, emotionally and spiritually by various issues. There are many, many forces that try to stop such advanced beings over the years through many forms of illusion and shadow from doing what they came here to do. Yet if they hold their own and recover and seek the right help in Light--they can heal and remember their purpose. Yet, also some of these Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Souls are are soaring and advancing by leaps and bounds.....
When such Souls are born here they are not used to the density and difficulty down here even though they came here to assist this planet. So it is up to them to wake up and realize what their gifts are how they can heal (if they have been derailed) and to remember what they came here for: to help and not further harm global humanity in their own unique ways that they elected to do before coming here---to be an example for others who are still trying understand life and living--for those who need unconditional love and support and to recognize who they are as well.
The Indigo Evolution-Full Length Documentary
This was a nice documentary a few years ago.....Dr. Rama
This You tube is one hour! you may want to scroll down and review other new entries first---thanks Dr. R
This You tube is one hour! you may want to scroll down and review other new entries first---thanks Dr. R
"The Indigo Evolution" is a documentary that attempts to answer the question - Are these 'Indigos' only the fanciful notions of a few individuals embracing new-age, metaphysical beliefs, or is there real evidence that they truly do exist? Most importantly, why are they here and how can we help them achieve their goal of creating a world based upon the laws of compassion and peace? Interviews with some of the most profound children on the planet today combined with discussions with authorities in the fields of medicine, psychology, education, philosophy, and religion will provide information for the viewer to draw their own conclusions to these questions.
'The Indigo Evolution' is a documentary about the shifting human, evolving beyond the five sensory perceptions into a multi-sensory being of light ! The term Indigo refers to the Indigo color Aura seen around certain individuals who exhibit certain enhanced abilities well beyond their age and learning. Commonly labeled as suffering from some kind of deficit (ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia ...) these children clearly have more of something most of us fail to recognize. Their non conformance to authority and the social conditioning sometimes earns them the label of being problem children.
Indigo Evolution, a feature-length documentary by James Twyman, was released Jan. 28, 2006 in more than 350 churches and wellness and spiritual centers around the world. The attendance far exceeded expectations, demonstrating how interest in understanding the "Indigo phenomenon" has grown. Indigo Evolution illuminates the lives of children who are referred to as "Indigos." The movie describes them as creative, eccentric and independent. Impatient with the status quo, these children possess a high degree of integrity and intuition. Many are both intelligent and gifted, often in the areas of art and technology, and some are said to bring healing gifts.
According to Indigo Evolution, Indigos often sound very wise for their age; however, they are very sensitive physically, emotionally and spiritually, and not always comfortable in their own bodies. They easily experience sensory overload to lights, smells, sounds, touching and toxins, and need help in becoming grounded. Many Indigos have attention and social problems in school and may frequently correct the teacher. While their behaviors vary, their philosophy of life is consistent; they have a high level of social consciousness and desire to make the world a better place. They are here to bring the Dawn of the Golden Age!
Hopi Elders reveal ancient prophecies:
After the premiere test screening of "The Indigo Evolution", the Hopi nation contacted James Twyman, and told him that they were willing to reveal their ancient and guarded secrets about the children of the planet in this movie. The new section containing interviews with Hopi elders about their ancient prophesies and how they relate to the Indigos was added to the documentary. Their message was astounding, and has now become the central theme for the entire film. The Hopi elders shared that it is not too late to reverse the tide of earth cleansing, but only if we come together, and the children have a critical role to play.
About the Filmmakers:
James Twyman (Producer / Director) is a singer/songwriter and the author of "Emissary of Love-The Psychic Children Speak" and "Messages from Thomas: Raising Psychic Children." James wrote and was the Executive Producer for the movie INDIGO which premiered in January 2005.
Stephen Simon (Executive Producer) has produced such films as "Somewhere in Time" and "What Dreams May Come" and is the author of "The Force is With You: Mystical Movie Messages That Inspire Our Lives."
Kent Romney - (Co-Producer / Co-Director) This is Kent's first feature documentary as a Director and Producer. In recent years, traveling to distant lands and cultures of our world, he worked on production teams that created film and television projects shown on The Discovery Channel, National Geographic, ABC Primetime and other broadcast networks. As a filmmaker, he creates video and film projects reflecting his interests in adventure travel, social topics, cultural issues and spiritual growth.
Doreen Virtue - (Associate Producer) holds M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, is the author of more than 20 books about angels, chakras, Crystal Children, Indigo Children, health and diet, and other mind-body-spirit issues. She is recognized as an expert in the area of Indigo Children and her books on the subject include "The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children" and "The Crystal Children."
Purchase the DVD here:
check out my blogs:
'The Indigo Evolution' is a documentary about the shifting human, evolving beyond the five sensory perceptions into a multi-sensory being of light ! The term Indigo refers to the Indigo color Aura seen around certain individuals who exhibit certain enhanced abilities well beyond their age and learning. Commonly labeled as suffering from some kind of deficit (ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia ...) these children clearly have more of something most of us fail to recognize. Their non conformance to authority and the social conditioning sometimes earns them the label of being problem children.
Indigo Evolution, a feature-length documentary by James Twyman, was released Jan. 28, 2006 in more than 350 churches and wellness and spiritual centers around the world. The attendance far exceeded expectations, demonstrating how interest in understanding the "Indigo phenomenon" has grown. Indigo Evolution illuminates the lives of children who are referred to as "Indigos." The movie describes them as creative, eccentric and independent. Impatient with the status quo, these children possess a high degree of integrity and intuition. Many are both intelligent and gifted, often in the areas of art and technology, and some are said to bring healing gifts.
According to Indigo Evolution, Indigos often sound very wise for their age; however, they are very sensitive physically, emotionally and spiritually, and not always comfortable in their own bodies. They easily experience sensory overload to lights, smells, sounds, touching and toxins, and need help in becoming grounded. Many Indigos have attention and social problems in school and may frequently correct the teacher. While their behaviors vary, their philosophy of life is consistent; they have a high level of social consciousness and desire to make the world a better place. They are here to bring the Dawn of the Golden Age!
Hopi Elders reveal ancient prophecies:
After the premiere test screening of "The Indigo Evolution", the Hopi nation contacted James Twyman, and told him that they were willing to reveal their ancient and guarded secrets about the children of the planet in this movie. The new section containing interviews with Hopi elders about their ancient prophesies and how they relate to the Indigos was added to the documentary. Their message was astounding, and has now become the central theme for the entire film. The Hopi elders shared that it is not too late to reverse the tide of earth cleansing, but only if we come together, and the children have a critical role to play.
About the Filmmakers:
James Twyman (Producer / Director) is a singer/songwriter and the author of "Emissary of Love-The Psychic Children Speak" and "Messages from Thomas: Raising Psychic Children." James wrote and was the Executive Producer for the movie INDIGO which premiered in January 2005.
Stephen Simon (Executive Producer) has produced such films as "Somewhere in Time" and "What Dreams May Come" and is the author of "The Force is With You: Mystical Movie Messages That Inspire Our Lives."
Kent Romney - (Co-Producer / Co-Director) This is Kent's first feature documentary as a Director and Producer. In recent years, traveling to distant lands and cultures of our world, he worked on production teams that created film and television projects shown on The Discovery Channel, National Geographic, ABC Primetime and other broadcast networks. As a filmmaker, he creates video and film projects reflecting his interests in adventure travel, social topics, cultural issues and spiritual growth.
Doreen Virtue - (Associate Producer) holds M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, is the author of more than 20 books about angels, chakras, Crystal Children, Indigo Children, health and diet, and other mind-body-spirit issues. She is recognized as an expert in the area of Indigo Children and her books on the subject include "The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children" and "The Crystal Children."
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All Comments (32)
- @irishgeal1I agree with you about the training of children much like Hitler did with kids. Its more difficult to train adults. But, recall the U.S. did hire Hitler's mind control scientist supplying them with whatever to continue their work. I wonder if these kids are not products of any of this. Through something given to the mother during pregnancy against her knowing. Passing it off as a supplement. Just a thought.ChapmanGriffith 6 hours ago
- lol, most kids are getting dumber, there is little real education, kids nowadays are trained not educated, like a dog and most working animals, thinking for oneself seems to be a revolutionary thing.irishgeal1 1 day ago
- The quote (Starting at 38:10) that goes "Many Indigoes are in trouble..." really hits home for me, as an adult indigo. I cannot tell you how many bright, yet questioning kids I knew growing up that got hooked on drugs. These kids on this documentary are lucky that their parents understand them, and that they are not afraid of who they are.NzumbeProductions 3 days ago
- please respond iam afraid I won't be able stand the ridicule of my peers anymore97zacariah 4 days ago
- I can also shape shift my eyes. my eyes have been purple and red and even black before but when I had certain emotions.97zacariah 4 days ago
- I... I hate it when people call me an indigo:( I opened my heart and told my friends what I really am and who I used to be and they just laughed. one of my friends is an indigo her self so i dont feel alone. my friend doesn't have the same mind abilities as I do. I have TK,PK, and the abilities to see auras. she only has the ability of telepithy.97zacariah 4 days ago
- ... with mission on Earth.Love for all - we are Onezbeekk 1 week ago
- my mom gets offended by me when i say something she dont understand...she hates this shitPlayaDontHate24 1 week ago
- Comment removedPlayaDontHate24 1 week ago
- i bless all these children with all my heart. blessings all over the place ! : )FREEGARYMCKINNON 2 weeks ago
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