It is early morning. Why am I up? I am often up between 3:30 am and 6am and anything in between. Is this "crazy?" No, not at all---there are millions of practitioners around the world who understand the significance of rising early for spiritual practice and for contemplation.
This is known in Sanskrit as the "Brahma-murta"---this is the time for Yoga, meditation, and contemplation. The mind and body are most receptive to intuition, awakening and deeper study. It is a good thing to rise before the sun. In India it is said, "it is most auspicious to not allow the rising sun to shine upon your sleeping back"--
Studies show that students who are studying for exams perform better if they rise and study during these hours before a test than to cram the whole night, stay up late and then wake up.
Many people are in a reverse sleep cycle. They stay up late til two am or more and then crash until noon or 1pm or longer the next day. This eventually affects the body and mind in a harmful way and adds to many diseases and premature aging--that will be discovered I feel in this century.
The early dawn sun rays are very healing. In many traditions, the baby sun is very sacred and that is why so much inspiration arises during these hours. These gentle rays activate the brain and the spiritual centers so that meditation can take place smoothly and easily.
Of course, with our busy schedules, sometimes it is hard to do and of course, sleep is an issue. However, over time, I have found that anytime between these hours really sets a different kind of day. You feel more purposeful. Somehow the day goes by in a better and higher way. Only practice will illustrate this for us.
Anyway, there are more videos from the humanity healing series I put on. I put on many because they are so inspiring, informative and uplifting. Hope all those who read awaken to their higher purpose.
Dr. R-------gotta go stand on my head now! :) :) :)
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