RIG-VEDA: AFRICA, SUMER & EGYPT ARE NOT THE CRADLE OF THE ARYAN RACE. In order to understand this series, it is imperative to read the following work of Lokamanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak THE ARCTIC HOME IN THE VEDAS @ http://www.vaidilute.com/books/tilak/... -The Veda is the original WORD the source from which everything else in the world emanated, and as such it cannot but be eternal. Here in brief, are the views entertained by Hindu orthodox theologians, scholars and philosophers in regard to the origin, character and authority of the Vedas; and on comparing them with the results of our investigation, it will be found that Patanjalis and Vyâsas view about the antiquity and the eternity of the Vedas derives material support from the theory of the Arctic home which we have endeavored to prove in the foregoing pages on strict scientific and historical grounds. It has been shown that Vedic religion and worship are both inter-Glacial; and that though we cannot trace their ultimate origin, yet the Arctic character of the Vedic deities fully proves that the powers of Nature represented by them had been already clothed with divine attributes by the primitive Aryans in their original home round about the North Pole, or the Meru of the Purâṇas. When the Polar home was destroyed by glaciation, the Aryan people that survived the catastrophe carried with them as much of their religion and worship as it was possible to do under the circumstances; and the relic, thus saved from the general wreck, was the basis of the Aryan religion in the post-Glacial age. The whole period from the commencement of the post-Glacial era to the birth of Buddha may, on this theory, be approximately divided into four parts: — 10000 or 8000 B.C. — The destruction of the original Arctic home by the last Ice Age and the commencement of the post-Glacial period. 80005000 B.C. — The age of migration from the original home. The Survivors of the Aryan race roamed over the northern parts of Europe and Asia in search of lands suitable for new settlements. The vernal equinox was then in the constellation of Punarvasû, and as Aditi is the presiding deity of Punarvasû, therefore, be called the Aditi or the Pre-Orion Period. 50003000 B.C. — The Orion Period, when the vernal equinox was in Orion. Many Vedic hymns can be traced to the early part of this period and the bards of the race, seem to have not yet forgotten the real import or significance of the traditions of the Arctic home inherited by them. It was at this time that first attempts to reform the calendar and the sacrificial system appear to have been systematically made. 30001400 B.C. — The Kṛittikâ Period, when the vernal equinox was in Pleiades. The Taittirîya Saṁhitâ and the Brâhmaṇas, which begin the series of nakṣhatras with the Kṛittikâs, are evidently the productions of this period. The compilation of the hymns into Saṁhitâs also appears, to be a work of the early part of this period. The traditions about the original Arctic home had grown dim by this time and very often misunderstood, making the Vedic hymns more and more unintelligible. The sacrificial system and the numerous details thereof found in the Brâhmaṇas seem to have been developed during this, time. It was at the end of this Period that the Vedâṅga-jyotiṣha was originally composed, or at any rate the position of the equinoxes mentioned therein observed and ascertained. 1400500 B.C. — The Pre-Buddhistic Period, when the Sûtras and the Philosophical systems made their appearance. I shall, therefore, content myself with a statement of such facts as plainly indicate the reminiscence of an ancient Arctic home in the traditional literature of the Slavonic, Celtic, Greek, Roman & Teutonic branches of the Aryan race; and I may here state that I am greatly indebted for this purpose to that learned and masterly work, The Hibbert lectures, by Prof. Rhys. On the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic Heathendom. From the legends mentioned, or referred to, or described above, it may be easily seen that many traces of the Arctic calendar are still discernible in the mythology of the western Aryan races like Celts, Teutons, Lets, Slavs, Greeks and Romans. In the Ṛig-Veda § I, 24, 10 the constellation of Ursa Major (Ṛikṣhaḥ) is described as being placed high (uchhâh), and, as this can refer only to the altitude of the constellation, it follows that it must then have been over the head of the observer, which is possible only in the Circum-Polar regions. The evidence mainly consists of direct passages from the Vedas and the Avesta, proving unmistakably that the poets of the Ṛig-Veda & Mahabharata were acquainted with the climatic conditions witnessable only in the Arctic regions. Lokamanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak.
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