The video series on in my opinion beautifully summarize many points on enlightenment and awakening and unfolding the heart.
All of them are excellent. Sorry if some of them seem "way out there", but if one views them over and over, the ideas will soak in and we will realize how much they represent Universal Truth and knowledge. We are in a world where everything makes us forget who we are and what reality really is. So seeing these and contemplating the words and ideas will help us remember and awaken what is known as our cellular memory.
Locked within the cells of course is our DNA and it encodes everything and creates and maintains the physical body. Most of the DNA is dormant. What is little known except in mysticism and those studying at deeper levels is that the physical DNA has a subtle, ethereal form of DNA which also can be dormant. This ethereal DNA is the invisible counterpart to the physical. Both are intertwined. The invisible ethereal DNA is connected to the life force and this life force intelligence is what guides the ethereal DNA and the physical DNA to manifest our body and all of the events that go on in our lives. Our life thus reflects the activity of the subtle DNA upon the physical and everything we experience is the net result of this constant interplay between ethereal and physical.
Yet remember that even the ethereal, subtle DNA is mostly dormant along with the physical. So even if the Higher Intelligence wants to activate us, there are blocks because the ethereal and physical DNA and thus the body are not vibrating at a higher frequency to receive greater awakening.
However, when awakened by opening our hearts, contemplation, selfless service, practices of meditation, and similar methods, through the grace of an awakened teacher/teachers, or by opening ourselves to the hidden inner Light that surrounds everything directly---- both the ethereal and the physical DNA are activated. Then our cells in our body respond and vibrate at a higher frequency. This higher vibration affects and purifies our mind and emotions and causes karma that is locked inside the cells to be released to the Light. We experience our true love and all higher Self qualities because all that is negative is released.
This is partly what is meant by "going from two stranded to twelve" stranded DNA. From what I understand, 10 more strands of ethereal or subtle DNA is dormant but gets activated by systematic spiritual practice. These additional strands in turn affect the physical two stranded DNA and cause the physical DNA to also become more active and less dormant.
Also when more DNA is active, both subtle and physical we regain our dormant inner powers of unconditional love, intuition, and many other talents and gifts that are normally hidden or dormant.
So all of these videos and the efforts of millions around the globe is to get us to wake up and remember who we are. The whole purpose is to realize more and more of unconditional love and put it into action. The idea of being here on this planet is to release karma that has been buried within our memory and thus our cells in this lifetime and countless lifetimes. Karma can most easily dealt with when one has a physical body. As I have written before, it is harder in the ethers to deal with karma, especially karma that was created in physical worlds.
The purpose of awakening and unfolding into greater enlightenment is that we enjoy greater serenity, expanded thinking, automatic compassion, peace, and broader intuition to solve our problems and the problems in the world. We realize how much there really is to do within ourselves and for the world and that there is seemingly so little time while in a body. We spontaneously and remember our Higher Self qualities and walk away from darkened qualities and behaviors. The more Light that enters our system, the more work and service we can do in an ever increasingly effortless way. Fatigue and tiredness slowly dissipate when more Light enters us. We see the world differently because pure wisdom grows and so we are not the victims of the ego which will always pull us down and create more karma and negativity for us.
There is so much more for another blog.
The greatest negative karmas that are created through our ego are many but there are some that can be described in broad terms: All of the thoughts, actions and choices of such examples below are directly locked into our cellular memory and thus our DNA from this lifetime and many lifetimes.
0. Not being true to our own heart; not listening to our hearts, not listening to pure guidance and continuously rejecting our heart's promptings.---Listening to and staying stuck in the illusion of the ego.---going against our hearts, giving away our power, assigning our power to other people to manipulate us and victimize us without coming into our own knowing and power. This all creates enormous negative karma for ourselves because we compromise ourselves--our very being and our Soul without standing up for what we know is right---all based in continued fear. We know through our heart if what we are doing is good or not for us. Not being true and listening to our heart is what creates the most karma.
Or, knowing somewhere inside us we are supposed to connect with, love and work with someone or groups of ones that we have Soul Contracts with but we do not honor them and run away from--by not following our hearts........
All this causes rebirth over and over until we truly and fully listen to the voice of love and intuition in our own hearts
1. These are the karmas of wasting our time, talents and abilities, particularly when we know we have them ;and yet, still consciously and unconsciously make choices that keep us stuck and stagnant. As the videos say, great pain arises when we see just how much precious time we all waste in not developing our full potential. That is why rebirth occurs until we finally express full Avatar hood while in a body.---It is a process of evolution.
2. Continued Selfish and Self-absorbed behaviors and thinking that hurt other people directly and indirectly--not seeking forgiveness and making amends--first inside ourselves and then with them.
3. Deliberately harming, neglecting, and hurting others, knowingly and unknowingly--consciously and unconsciously--our brain and mind can be so dense we may not even realize this until we awaken into more Light and Love.
4. Although everyone has their own timing, it is the failure to look within and contemplate one's inner issues and station in life and making the necessary choices and changes to help with our transformation, particularly inner honesty and integrity..... It is a kind of Self-neglect, so to speak. It is the running away from ourselves, fear and lack of emotional responsibility to ourselves and others that create negative karma for us. It only snowballs where lifetime and after lifetime our circumstances get worse until we literally have an internal explosion that has to be cleared and released. Our Soul will not allow us to go on forever in denial, pretending that nothing is wrong. Remember, there is no escape. What we do not face in one lifetime will come back later in life in the same form or another form, often worse until we do deal with it in the best way we can.
5. Deliberately and unknowingly not protecting children or young minds and hearts or at least making an effort to when we know something is wrong, to the best of our power and ability. Even if we have our own abuse issues, it is the harming of younger people that we know of or take part in that creates very negative karma.
6. Using our body and mind to exploit others and allowing others to exploit us and to create monetary gain from these selfish purposes. This means selling of our Selves in any form, including sexually. This is not a judgement. Rather, our body and mind are given to us as gifts to understand ourselves and to help inspire, serve and help others. Yet, through free will, we have the power to uplift or to harm ourselves and others. The use of body and mind to harm or to waste the vital life force in the above mentioned activities creates negative karma that only boomerangs back to us in the form of mental and emotional torture, health problems and lack of vitality. This is part of Universal Law. It is not a punishment ---it is the net result of free will choice. Whatever we choose we will reap ---but there is no judgement from this.
7. Having healing abilities, health skills and aptitude and not utilizing these for the highest purposes--or neglecting them for more negative choices that we get involved in. When we misuse these gifts and directly harm or indirectly hurt others, negative karma ensues. This is why doctors still take the Hippocratic Oath, and other Health practitioners also adhere to some form of integrity, honesty, and accountability.
8. Remaining within the realm of toxic addictions of any kind and the culture of addictions of any kind. This is a very tough area and can be very deeply ingrained from this lifetime and other lifetimes. All I can say is that when we at least make a sincere, sustained effort and a conscious choice to consistently clear these from our field then we are on the road to a clearer path in Light. However, if we choose to stay then we make a challenging issue even more difficult because the karma only snowballs.
However, what creates more negative karma or makes a difficult situation worse is when we deliberately choose to remain within this realm and do not make effort or ask a Higher power for a different life.
No one can force us to do anything---we can remain wherever we want. The only net result is more suffering.
Anyway, more later.
Although they are all excellent: these were resounding for me: Avatar, Angelic Human Race, Awakening Human Angels, Soul Groups and Families, Star Seeds Part one and two, Twin Flame Blessing, Karma one and two, Rainbow Acts of Kindness, Gratitude, The Golden Key, Change......, Ripple Effect....., "Walk-Ins", Light Worker Part 1, Song of Ascension, Forgiveness and Forgiveness and Letting Go, Law of One, I Believe, The Mature Heart, Hope is a Gift, We are the Ones We are Waiting For, Love and Friendship, Love and Tantra, The Art of Blessing, The Dark Night of the Soul, The Wounded Healer, --Butterfly, The Law of One, Simplicity-----and of course all the others as well.
More videos soon----Thanks Dr. R---Hope people reading look at ALL these videos over and over until something truly shifts inside and so much more......
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