Monday, April 11, 2011

Attain Enlightenment and Health Through Natural Means--Not Through Intoxicants and Harmful Drugs--Dr. Rama

We have the innate ability to attain an enlightened state, a place of greater peace love and Light from within ourselves.  Pure natural living, sincere spiritual practice, healing in the right way, guidance from mentors, masters, gurus, avatars, and other beings in Light,  associating with only those who truly love us and are there for our highest well being-- our selfless service, compassion towards others are the the keys that will naturally allow these things to unfold in their own time and space.

For centuries upon centuries there has been a struggle between this natural way and with the use of drugs to induce a higher level of consciousness.

Some native cultures use such substances but it is part of their tradition and custom.

However, such substances are harmful to the system and damage every aspect of the being.

The physical body is damaged with toxic free radicals that induce premature aging, fatigue and overall poor health.  The physical nerves are damaged because of the surges of neurotransmitters.  The brain cells die off at alarming rates.

The Light body, the mental, emotional and other spiritual bodies are also damaged from the sudden highs and lows that occur and energy surges that come and go.  These highs and lows throw the energy meridians off and damage the subtle Light body.  The net result is a fragmented state, loss of peace, and a distorted view of the world.

When there is fragmentation, our mind can split into different parts.  We lose our wholeness and our Oneness feeling.  We are not at peace ultimately.  Our brain is wired for whatever reasons to crave more and more substances and soon we are addicted. 

Addiction can be to anything.  Ultimately we are damaged and the effects are insidious, ie slow to evolve but do move upon us over time.

Difficult symptoms arise such as paranoia, hearing voices, feeling people are watching us and so on.  We are nervous fatigued, zapped of energy, restless and not at ease.  Our face and whole demeanor becomes gaunt.  We have dark circles and we look depleted.

The list goes on and too complex for this blog post.

From a spiritual point of view, mystics do know that when hallucinogenic drugs are taken and when one goes to a high, the soul can be propelled into higher states of consicousness.  There, we artificially go into other realms.

However, there is great danger here because we are not consciously in control when we go to those states.  Parts of Soul and Self can be lost on those dimensions and so when we come back we are further fragmented.  Part of us can be trapped in thos places and we come back scattered.  It takes time to reintegrate.  And often we do not.

Sometimes dark energies or beings can attach to us and wreak havoc within our mind, according to mystical and spiritual thought.  Then we are not in control of our free will. 

It is almost like the brain and the energy bodies become like Swiss cheese and such forces attach into those energy spaces ---causing all kinds of havoc.  Such energies and dark entities are very selfish---they are greedy and want the human experience but they do not have the right karma to take on a body so they literally steal one from those who are vulnerable and susceptible.

This is part of why those influenced by drugs can have erratic behaviors in addition to the brain and nerves being affected as well.  We are highly suggestible to those who wish to control us for their own selfish purposes and this again reinforces the cycle of addictions.

Another area of medication addiction is the use of steroids and some muscle building products.  This area is controversial but steroids and steroid derived products and other substances can be addictive and harmful.  More time and research will tell.

The key is that anything that is artificially blowing us up into a muscle man or woman is going to affect all the organs and systems of the body. We may temporarily think we look good but there is a big, big price to pay with our health.

It does not matter if we supposedly look good and healthy on the outside.  Sooner or later the bones, muscles, organs and so on are deeply damaged and affected.   Men can become impotent, women's cycles can be disrupted.  The heart valves can be affected and the small connector tissues that hold the valves in place can rupture.  Osteoporosis can occur, testicles can shrivel.  Ligaments and tendons can snap.

This kind of living only creates a spiral downward into more suffering and more and more difficulty in dealing with the health of the body.

So if all this occurs why do people keep doing this?

I do not think there is any one answer.  Addictions although there is much research regarding genetics and the brain still is baffling and I believe still remains a Spiritual issue.    It is a combination of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical problems that do arise.

Often issues with self esteem are key. Nothing on the outside will ever  make us happy, we have to find inner happiness and not through artificial substances. Past  unresolved pain occurs.  Many have mixed issues with depression and other factors.  Unresolved abuse and misuse occurs and it is a way of having a temporary escape and high. Many think that if they take substances and or steroids they will fit in and belong somewhere because they are filling an inner void that can only be filled by natural evolution of Spirit, not through artificial means.  Also keep in mind that those controlling those who are addicted do so through the substances.  They keep people addicted to control them and ultimately "use them and lose them" is part of the cycle of addictions, roles that get played out....until we wake up to realize what is happening, what has happened and what will happen if we do not empower ourselves.

Whatever the reasons, the net result is harm on all levels.

And, we are the only ones who can change this in our lives.  No one on the outside can do it.  We have to be the ones; we must ask and allow a Higher power of any kind to assist us.

Dr. Rama

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